Some people associate Lithuania with delicious food, while others have heard about basketball, Fintech, theatre, opera, or politics. Behind all these achievements are concrete people of different backgrounds, languages, and cultures – all living in Lithuania. NewsSpectrum Fellow Ernest Alesin from the Russian-language teamed up with Delfi, one of the largest news outlets in Lithuania, to interview six of these successful people and share their not-so-simple stories.
In a series of video interviews, Alesin, working with Delfi’s team, interviewed famous people who have made Lithuania known worldwide but whose heritage is not (or not solely) Lithuanian. The goal was to increase appreciation for their success among the majority population while drawing inspiration for minorities residing in and/or immigrating to Lithuania.
The six episodes hosted by Alesin from introduce us to successful people of Russian, Roma, Jewish, Polish, and Tatar origin, all from different areas of work and success – music, sport, politics, culture, etc.
These stories are produced for different audiences in Lithuania and delivered as video and audio podcast (plus text transcription) on different platforms, including the websites of, and as well as on YouTube and Facebook (all available on the list below)