Al-Fanar Media has teamed up with to produce The Anglo-Arab Voice, a series of podcasts delving into the world of what it means to be a British-Arab living in the United Kingdom.

For the series, student journalists who live and study in the U.K. interviewed various personalities, from a cardiologist to a classical music duo. The interviewers asked their guests about their work, their life as Arabs, and how they can influence the next generation of the Arab diaspora. The producers write that listening to this podcast series will take you into the heart of what Arab culture and heritage can do personally and professionally to enhance everyday life in Britain.

Nine podcasts (all listed below) were produced and made available both on Al-Fanar Media (in English and Arabic) and on

The Anglo-Arab Voice is produced by NewsSpectrum Fellow Petra Ayar Jahchan of Al-Fanar Media in collaboration with Camilla Byk from

Episodes are available on:

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